概要・プログラム |
ISAR-7 will consist of ten General Sessions as follows and 24 Special Sessions.
Regular session
(R1) Atmosphere (R2) Ocean and sea ice (R3) Rivers, lakes, permafrost and snow cover (R4) Ice sheets, glaciers and ice cores (R5) Terrestrial ecosystems (R6) Marine ecosystems (R7) Geospace (R8) Laws, politics and economy (R9) Culture, Language, and Environment (R10) Engineering for sustainable development
Special session
(S1) High-latitude Fires, Arctic Climate, Environment and health (HiFACE) (S2) Extratropical teleconnections and predictability of weather and climate related with the Arctic environmental changes (S3) Atmospheric composition and Arctic environment/climate: New assessment reports and original studies (S4) Synoptic Arctic Survey – international collaboration for Arctic Ocean transdisciplinary studies (S5) Physical Processes and their Effects on the Arctic Climate and Ecosystems Canceled (S6) The changing chemistry of the Arctic Ocean Canceled (S7) Arctic hydrology in the context of warming climate (S8) Biogeochemical and hydrological responses to climate and environmental changes in the Arctic (S9) Sustainable, responsible, and resilient Arctic tourism: lip service or concrete actions (S10) Changing Arctic strategic and geopolitical landscapes: the impact of the war in Ukraine (S11) After the Ukraine: The Arctic, International Law, and International Scientific Cooperation (S12) International Governance of the Central Arctic Ocean: Science, Indigenous Knowledge, and the Rule of Law (S13) Building a region: Arctic identities and identity politics (S14) Young People, Sustainable Wellbeing and Placemaking in the Arctic Canceled (S15) Redefining the well-being of Arctic communities in the context of global environmental and societal change (S16) Making of Arctic exhibition and material study: the potential of collaboration study with local people (S17) Arctic Shipping: Economic Feasibility and Challenges (S18) Arctic Sea Route and Coastal Protection: environmental, engineering, and economic assessment (S19) Polar research under a pandemic: Let’s talk science! Canceled (S20) Toward sustainable Arctic -developing a network of Arctic researchers and other Arctic stakeholders- (S21) Funding International Arctic Science (S22) Indigenous Co-Production of Arctic Knowledge: Toward a More Inclusive Arctic Scientific Research (S23) Multidisciplinary observing systems in Arctic, potential and challenges (S24) Sustained observations of Arctic change: From observing and data science to network coordination Canceled