フィールドワーク関連のお知らせ Announcements

Readers of the Qur’an: Beyond Boundaries

形式 ワークショップ
紹介文 ウズベキスタンのイマームのクルアーン朗誦に始まり、多様なバックグラウンドをもつ登壇者らが、それぞれの異なる立場や地域・言語をまたいだ経験から、「クルアーンをよむ」ということについてお話しします。





東京外国語大学 アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所


This workshop focuses on how and by whom the Qur’an, the Islamic book of revelation, has been read. In the past, the primary readers of the Qur’an were the ulama, or Muslim male intellectuals, who were professionally trained in Arabic and Islamic studies. Since the twentieth century, however, improvements in literacy rates, the advent of new media, and the proliferation of translations have significantly expanded the readership of the Qur’an, irrespective of intellectual background, gender, or religious affiliation. This workshop will facilitate a discussion between scholars who have conducted research on the reception and translation of the Qur’an. The objective is to consider and discuss recent variations and changes in the readers and the ways of reading the Qur’an, as well as its future trajectory. Additionally, the workshop will serve as a platform for sharing the participants’ experiences and insights related to their engagement with the Qur’an.


12:50 Recitation of the Qur’an by Imam Khasankhon Abdumajitov
13:00 Introduction (Dr. Emi Goto)

Part 1: Global Experiences
13:10 “Doing the Qur’an Justice in English” (Prof. Shawkat Toorawa)
13:40 “The Qur’an Education in Central Asia: Past and Today” (Imam Khasankhon Abdumajitov)
14:20 "The Qur’an and Constructive Theology" (Dr. Celene Ibrahim)
14:50 “Qur’an Behind the Veil: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Pakistani Women” (Dr. Emiko Sunaga)
15:20 Break

Part 2: Japanese Experiences
15:40 “Trends of the Qur’an in Japanese: Predecessors and My Task” (Dr. Makoto Mizutani)
16:10 “Paradigm Shift: From Japanese Norms to Quranic Worldview”(Dr. Hani Abdelhadi)
16:40 “The Qur’an as a ‘Classic’: Some Approaches for Non-Muslim Readers” (Dr. Emi Goto)
17:10 Break

Part 3: Discussion
17:20 Comment and discussion (Prof. Jin Noda)
17:50 Closing Remarks (Prof. Masato Iizuka)

Speakers' short bio

Prof. Shawkat M. Toorawa is Brand Blanshard Professor of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations and Professor of Comparative Literature at Yale University. His books include The Devotional Qur'an: Beloved Surahs and Verses.  He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Qur'anic Studies, is an editor of the International Qur'anic Studies Association’s series, Studies in the Qur'an.

Imam Khasankhon Abdumajitov (Hasanxon qori) is an Imam-noib of the "Hasanboy" masjid in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He graduated Tashkent Islamic Institute named after Imom Buxoriy and Tashkent State University as well and currently continues his own research in the doctorate course of Uzbekistan International Islam Academy where he got his master grade earlier.

Dr. Celene Ibrahim is a multidisciplinary scholar specializing in Islamic intellectual history, gender studies, and ethics. She is best known for the monograph Women and Gender in the Qur'an from Oxford University Press (2020).

Dr. Emiko Sunaga is a Project Assistant Professor at ILCAA, TUFS. Her research interests encompass Pakistan Area Studies and the publishing culture in South Asia, with a particular focus on publications in Pakistan.

Dr. Makoto Mizutani is currently Representative of the Congress for Reviving Religious Belief in Japan and Executive Director of Japan Muslim Association. His interest is to revive religious belief in Japan at large, and particularly to further promote Islam with its intimate understanding in a Japanese surrounding. He published over 45 Islam related books in Japanese, Arabic, and English,

Dr. Hani Abdelhadi is a Palestinian-Japanese researcher based in Japan and currently a senior assistant professor at the School of Commerce, Meiji University. He specializes in Palestine studies, and is also interested in contemporary developments in Islamic political thought and Islamic movements in Japan. His publications include Japanese meanings of the Holy Qur'an.

Dr. Emi Goto is an assistant professor at ILCAA, TUFS. Her research interests include the intellectual history of Islam, Qur’anic studies, and women and gender.

Prof. Jin Noda is a professor at ILCAA,TUFS. His research topics include the Central Asian History and Asian modernism.

Prof. Masato Iizuka is a researcher of Islamic studies and professor at ILCAA, TUFS. His research interests encompass modern and contemporary Arab Islamic thoughts and Islamic political movements.







